Nexsure 1.94.5 Release Notes (05-09-08)

Resolved Issues

Nexsure 1.94.5 Resolved Issues




Document Management




Special Characters

Known Issues

Nexsure 1.94.5 Known Issues






Important Notifications  


Note: The use of a general ledger link against a bank account designated general ledger number is not a valid entry and will not be available in bank reconciliation.

Prior to the Nexsure v1.94.5 release, a method of checking the “Cleared” check box in the summary of bank transactions was available. Because of the new bank reconciliation functionality, the check boxes in the Bank Account > accounting transactions tab will be disabled as they are no longer needed. Any remaining bank reconciliations up to the end of a target month should be completed to be prepared for the change over. With the new functionality, Bank Account details has a “Beginning Balance” entry area to enter a one-time beginning balance to accommodate manually balanced statements that used accounting transactions cleared activity.



Note: Form migration upon endorsement has been removed. The removal was completed after the F4097 Forms training video was completed.

In order to update document templates that contain the ACORD 140, use either one of the following options:

Option 1: Update the existing document templates that include the ACORD 140 by replacing the old fields from the premises info group with the new fields from premises info and subject of insurance groups. Please keep in mind that the locations cannot be grouped with the property coverage's, since these are now in separate groups, premises info and subject of insurance in lieu of the former, premises info. List the locations separately from the coverage's in the template. Fully test the template to make sure it returns the expected results. Next, notify your Users that the old ACORD 140 must be migrated prior to using the updated document templates. A migration will occur with any of the following: endorsement, renew, market existing or placing a policy in force from a marketing record.

Option 2: Copy the existing document templates that include the ACORD 140 form. Once the copy is created, rename the copy of the template to identify as version 2 and replace the old fields from the premises info group with the new fields from premises info and subject of insurance groups. Please keep in mind that the locations cannot be grouped with the property coverage's, since these are now in separate groups, premises info and subject of insurance in lieu of the former, premises info. List the locations separately from the coverage's in the template. Fully test the template to make sure it returns the expected results. Next, notify your Users that any ACORD 140 form created prior to v1.94.5 will require the use of the old template and any new or migrated ACORD 140 forms will use the new version of the document templates. A migration will occur with any of the following: endorsement, renew, market existing or placing a policy in force from a marketing record.

Tip: Use the Validate button and choose to validate fields to help locate the fields that need to be replaced in the template.

Note: The XDTI templates in Nexsure have been created by copying the existing templates and updating the fields to accommodate the new ACORD 140. The new templates should be used only with the new ACORD 140. The names of these new templates are: XDTI Commercial Proposal Ver 2, XDTI Comml Prop-Veh-Eq Sch 2, and XDTI Comml Property Sch 2. Continue using the original XDTI templates for the old ACORD 140 (prior to migrating to the new form).



Note: The View option now permits the display of the journal entry Details icon to review the journal entry details. User rights assignments do not need to be changed.


Nexsure 1.94.5 Enhancements


For a video overview of some of the new enhancement features, click here.

Please take the time to view these sessions and if necessary, schedule a meeting with your staff to view as well. Click on each link below for detailed overviews of 1.94.5 functionality.

Note:  Some of the videos may take a few moments to load. Once the images appear, you may view the recording from the start by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the screen.





  1. A new annotation has been added for mass marketing. (F3541) Link to topic


Document Management




