Nexsure 1.94.5 Release Notes (05-09-08)
Resolved Issues
Nexsure 1.94.5 Resolved Issues
- Disbursement - Quick Navigation General Ledger section, removing a row does not update.
- The [Add New] link is active on posted receive payments.
- GL out of balance.
- Policy info tab: Internal Notes field is allowing more than 250 characters to be
entered and saved.
- Unable to view complete organization names when adding allocation plans,
Journal Entries, etc.
- Extra GL entries being created on reversal items.
- User rights template unable to reverse payment.
- Recon / Disbursements - The search and clear buttons are in
different locations.
- Policy Info tab - Internal Notes field is allowing more than 250 characters to be entered and saved.
- Reconciliation - Changing entity payee name / address defaults new name to posted
- Accounts Payable - Changing entity payee name / address defaults new name to posted
- Receive Payment - Changing entity payee name / address defaults new name to posted
- Setup - Bank balances not updating.
- Transaction View - Assigned Payments view, client and policy levels.
- Unable to view branch names in GL account selection in
disbursements, journal entries, allocations, etc.
- Secure abort in invoices.
- Invoice Security - View rights are granting full rights to Other
Comm. in a reconciliation.
- Posted statement entry invoice displays active invoice header
fields but is not saving changes.
- Summary of post invoices pop-up displays wrong total
selected commission amount.
- Primary contact should not be required on Vendor.
- Certificate batch printing scaling different from single print
- Error trying to change policy number on future policy with verification.
- Annualized premium displaying incorrectly at policy summary screen.
- Searching for other assignment on action for deleted assignment
at policy level doesn't find match for deleted assignment.
- Global reassignment of actions not working.
- Correct t-log detail icons for all entities dimmed out.
- Correct action t-log details icon dim out.
- T-log for additional interests result in server error.
- T-log for binders - session transfer issues.
- Named insured on auto ID cards not working.
- Dim remove icon on binder details.
- Set up T-log calendar.
- Company number not printing on fleet auto ID cards.
- Additional interest: Using <> symbols in contact notes causes
server error.
- Actions made inactive while linked disappear from the link - add
popup to user.
- Actions: Using <> in notes.
- Update NAIC database.
- Authorizations: Notes field on the employee authorization tab at
branch level is not saving entry.
- Use of the enter key when searching for action topic and type
return - "no results found".
- Certificate policy not available for selection.
- Client names with a number cause actions with alert and links to be closed twice when using context tools.
- Open option should not be available on binder log alternate view
(future-closed binders).
- Re-assigned policies but actions did not reassign.
- Unable to add current GL policy to liability certificate.
- Have address book key off of client ID rather than client name.
- Attachments in recycle bin shouldn't be available for delivery.
- When you filter your policies in delivery, there is no option for a policy status of Renewed.
- Delivery Attachments - Endorsements no longer in order.
Document Management
- Screen displays change when going from attachments to actions.
- LOB > Transportation Acord 143: The Transportation deductible
field appears in the Commodities Coverages section of the Quick Navigation.
- Group Census Form Printing issues.
- There is no Supplemental Notes form created when there is
overflow data in the remarks section of the ACORD 146.
- BOP - ACORD 160 - Employee benefits wording cut off in
employee benefits section.
- Date not saving on contractor information application.
- ACORD 3: Claim description is in two columns rather than one
- ACORD 175 - Locations group order key needs to be changed to
number 1.
- ACORD 143 remarks section truncating / printing blank.
- User needs deductible field extended to 7 digits on the
- Wizard error when entering more than three digits in the
Medical Deductible field of WC ACORD 130.
- ACORD 126 Schedule of Hazard allows two rows of text -
cuts off info.
- Description Of Covered Auto Designation Symbols is
incorrect for business auto.
- Certificates - Spelling errors in cancellation clause in ACORD 25.
- ACORD 145 AR / Valuable Papers - Add fax number to producer
- Misspelled word on AR-Valuable Papers ACORD 145.
- ACORD 141 Crime - Fax number missing from producer section.
- ACORD 192 Equine - Producer fax number missing from user
- ACORD 70 Change Request - All fields are not visible in
Coverages - Homeowner section.
- Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Property Damage deductible
printing in wrong place.
- ACORD 155 - Use of If Other Deductible causing
Coverage Type Other check box to print.
- ACORD 130 – Saving LLC for Legal Entity Type does not
check box on printed form.
- ACORD 90 MN: Prior carrier page contains Assigned Risk
field that doesn't display form.
- Certificate holder loan number not pulling through.
- Change Loss Payee and Mortgagee fields on Property Overflow to match ACORD 140.
- Binder - Vehicles show under special conditions / other coverages but not when print preview.
- Wizard error message received on marketing application.
- ACORD 140 issue with mortgagee and multiple locations.
- Over 1000 claim forms created on property claim.
- Prior carrier summary view is inconsistent.
- Equipment floater - Scheduled items not populating to change
- Cert Holder loan number not pulling through.
- Users can add disbursements to a batch which was already
removed from the batch summary screen.
- Reversed disbursement can create negative check.
- Non-check disbursement type can generate checks.
- A check originally printed from batch and a void (reverse
disbursement) has been done, the check gets printed again
when the batch is re-printed.
- User is able to add unprinted disbursements to an already printed batch.
- Reprinting a check batch assigns new check numbers to all checks.
- User without check print or reprint rights able to print checks through batch summary.
- When printing an invoice transaction register with sort options,
the totals did not match the detail displayed for invoice amount
and branch commission. Need an option to sort by territory.
Special Characters
- Claims ‐ Home page search does not work for assignment with apostrophe in the name.
- Binder Home Page ‐ VBscript runtime error clicking on page 2 by user with
apostrophe in name.
- Endorsement Home Page ‐ VBscript runtime error clicking on page 2 by user with
apostrophe in name.
- Endorsement ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
- Entering in LIST on marketing application ‐ inputting phone number using special characters
causes error.
- CRM ‐ Error when searching for expirations at the home screen by branch only.
- Opportunities ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
- Cancellations ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
- Marketing ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
- Edits ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
- Audits ‐ Home Page VBscript error logged in with apostrophe in name.
Known Issues
Nexsure 1.94.5 Known Issues
- When clicking on the Disbursement Posting link, the Date Booked reverts back to the current date. Click on the Disbursement Header link once again after going to the Disbursement Posting link and change the Date Booked date to the appropriate date then post the transaction.
- Policies with the following status types are not displayed in the Statement Entry page of a Carrier Reconciliation. Create invoices at the policy level or through customer transactions instead of Statement Entry.
- Cancelled
- Non-Renewed
- Creating a mass marketing record for a client with an apostrophe in their name duplicates the record.
- Branch Security on Interface – Once a download is processed, the assignment can be changed at the client level. However, the download will not be displayed on the interface tab unless the branch selection is set to All. When a specific branch is selected, the download is no longer displayed. If the assignment is not changed, the views on the interface tab will work correctly.
- Change request overflow is always present.
- Batch Printing – Some workflows not working.
- Client balance summary tab aging amounts are including unposted receive payment residuals.
- Customer statement reports are not reflecting client reconciliation activities.
- Income Production Credit
- If the general ledger links are used through a cash receipt, disbursement or reconciliation and more than one income account has money applied in a single transaction the balancing block of the Income Production Credit report will not balance to the Income Statement.
- If a commission adjustment is made to an invoice that is not fully allocated the adjustment amount will not show up in the unallocated section. Also, the application will not allow the allocation to be completed.
- If an invoice is adjusted the date booked of the adjusted line item will reflect the date booked of the adjusting transaction.
Important Notifications
- Client Reconciliation:
- F3428 Write Off Controls: The write off functionality in the new client reconciliation module introduces a controls section that establishes the maximum threshold per user rights template that can be written off in a single transaction. Maximum threshold requires a positive amount, with no set write off limit for a credit transaction.
- F3411 Assign Credit No Longer Valid Workflow: The client reconciliation functionality includes new workflow handling of residual receive payments. Monies that are currently in residual status and are available for application, will now be applied to invoices using the client reconciliation function. Any residual receive payments where the user has applied residual against invoices and has failed to click the [Assign Credit] link to complete that assignment must be addressed after the release of this new functionality. Resolution will require accessing all open assign credit receive payments to clear payment of the incomplete item for application in client reconciliation. Note that handling would have been required regardless of the introduction of client reconciliation.
- F982 Bank Reconciliation: Clearance check boxes become disabled. The new bank reconciliation functionality creates a bank reconciliation section to be used for clearing checks, deposits, and journal entries against bank account designated general ledger numbers. Clearing activity in the bank reconciliation section will display the transaction as cleared by “Checking” the cleared checkbox.
Note: The use of a general ledger link against a bank account designated general ledger number is not a valid entry and will not be available in bank reconciliation.
Prior to the Nexsure v1.94.5 release, a method of checking the “Cleared” check box in the summary of bank transactions was available. Because of the new bank reconciliation functionality, the check boxes in the Bank Account > accounting transactions tab will be disabled as they are no longer needed. Any remaining bank reconciliations up to the end of a target month should be completed to be prepared for the change over. With the new functionality, Bank Account details has a “Beginning Balance” entry area to enter a one-time beginning balance to accommodate manually balanced statements that used accounting transactions cleared activity.
- D1179 Transportation ACORD form 143: The transportation deductible field was moved from the Commodities coverage section to Transportation Operations > Operations section and the field name is Transportation Deductible. Any office integration templates using this field should be updated with this new field.
- F2990 Carrier Associations: On rollout, any carriers used at the underwriting level will be migrated to the appropriate territory. If no commission default has been added, a zero commission default will be added. Going forward, agencies must add at least one commission line for each branch where the carrier will be used and associate with the appropriate territory.
- F3814 Add Claim Stage to Home > Claim Screen Export: A new Claim Stage field has been added. If users have the Save Filter Settings check box selected upon roll out of Nexsure version 1.94, the Search button will need to be selected once in order for the export to populate.
- D1179 Transportation ACORD Form 143: The transportation deductible field was moved from the commodities coverage section to the Transportation Operations > Operations section. Any Office Integration templates using this field should be replaced.
- F4097 ACORD 140: The new version of the ACORD 140 will require changes to any document templates that use the ACORD 140 in order to merge properly. Any coverage templates created for the old ACORD 140 will not work correctly with the new ACORD 140. If coverage templates are needed for the ACORD 140, create a new coverage template using the new form.
Note: Form migration upon endorsement has been removed. The removal was completed after the F4097 Forms training video was completed.
In order to update document templates that contain the ACORD 140, use either one of the following options:
Option 1: Update the existing document templates that include the ACORD 140 by replacing the old fields from the premises info group with the new fields from premises info and subject of insurance groups. Please keep in mind that the locations cannot be grouped with the property coverage's, since these are now in separate groups, premises info and subject of insurance in lieu of the former, premises info. List the locations separately from the coverage's in the template. Fully test the template to make sure it returns the expected results. Next, notify your Users that the old ACORD 140 must be migrated prior to using the updated document templates. A migration will occur with any of the following: endorsement, renew, market existing or placing a policy in force from a marketing record.
Option 2: Copy the existing document templates that include the ACORD 140 form. Once the copy is created, rename the copy of the template to identify as version 2 and replace the old fields from the premises info group with the new fields from premises info and subject of insurance groups. Please keep in mind that the locations cannot be grouped with the property coverage's, since these are now in separate groups, premises info and subject of insurance in lieu of the former, premises info. List the locations separately from the coverage's in the template. Fully test the template to make sure it returns the expected results. Next, notify your Users that any ACORD 140 form created prior to v1.94.5 will require the use of the old template and any new or migrated ACORD 140 forms will use the new version of the document templates. A migration will occur with any of the following: endorsement, renew, market existing or placing a policy in force from a marketing record.
Tip: Use the Validate button and choose to validate fields to help locate the fields that need to be replaced in the template.
Note: The XDTI templates in Nexsure have been created by copying the existing templates and updating the fields to accommodate the new ACORD 140. The new templates should be used only with the new ACORD 140. The names of these new templates are: XDTI Commercial Proposal Ver 2, XDTI Comml Prop-Veh-Eq Sch 2, and XDTI Comml Property Sch 2. Continue using the original XDTI templates for the old ACORD 140 (prior to migrating to the new form).
- F3933 Ability to have Multiple Sessions Open: In some instances multiple session displays may not be effective. All possible multiple session
combinations have not been tested.
An example of a multiple display issue is in accounting bank reconciliation where printing has been
determined to display the last printed bank reconciliation summary in both sessions when view is
attempted in multiple sessions. The behavior of third party products or the browser itself may also cause
issues. It is recommended that the second browser be opened to use as a view only screen or to
specifically work on two different clients or in two different areas of Nexsure.
- F2643 Add Deliver tabs to Policy and Marketing Levels: In order to gain access to the new delivery tabs, security access must be added. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Policy, Marketing > Deliveries.
- F2983 Add Security for Home Expirations Report: In order for employees to have access to export the expirations list on the Home > Expirations screen, security access must be added.
Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Home menu > Expirations.
- F3216 Add Campaign Management: In order for employees to have access to Campaign Management, security access must be added.
Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Primary Menu, Client > Campaigns. The View selection provides access to the campaigns tabs. The Modify selection at the client level provides access to select the response and wins check boxes.
- F3402 Expand Signature Security and Access: In order for employees to limit access to signatures, security must be granted at the level where the employee with the signature is added. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Organization, Region, Territory, Branch > Signature Authorizations.
- F3411 Client Write Off: The security selection of View in Client Write Off permits access to the Balance Write Off link to do
any work in that area. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Reconciliation > Client Write Off.
- F3413 Allow $0.00 Disbursement: In order for staff members to post a $0 disbursement, user rights must be granted. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Transactions > Disbursements > Zero Entry.
- F3413 Allow $0.00 Receive Payment: In order for staff members to post a $0 receive payment, user rights must be granted. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Transactions > Receive Payment > Zero Entry.
- F3424 Setup Controls to Secure Write Off Limits: In order for staff members to use the controls tab, user rights must be granted. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Setup > Controls.
- F3428 Client Transactions: The security selection of View in Client Transactions permits all work in transactions area. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Reconciliation > Client Transactions.
- F3432 Bank Reconciliation: In order for staff members to use bank reconciliation sections, user rights must be granted. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Accounting > Bank Account Reconciliation.
- F3516 Add Delete Security Specific to Recycle Bin in Attachments Folders: In order for employees to remove items from the recycle bin, security access must be added.
Core Component: Client
Rights: Recycle Bin
Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Client > Recycle Bin.
- F3538 Add Security for Carrier Entity Association: In order for staff members to associate carriers, user rights must be granted. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Carrier > Entity Associations.
- F3585 Add Security for Global Client Search: In order for employees to have access to global search, security rights must be added.
Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Primary menu > Global Search.
- F3869 View Item Rights for Journal Entries: Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to view journal entry details without being able to modify the journal entry. Utility menu > SETUP > Security Administration > user rights template > select template > [edit] > Core Components > Transactions > Journal Entry.
Note: The View option now permits the display of the journal entry Details
icon to review the journal entry details. User rights assignments do not need to be changed.
- Disbursements added to a print batch will no longer have the print check box checked until the batch has been printed. They will continue to have select disabled. Note that because they are included in a batch, print status search criteria selection of Printed will return the disbursement even though the print check box is still unchecked. When the batch is printed the “Print” check box will be checked.
Nexsure 1.94.5 Enhancements
For a video overview of some of the new enhancement features,
click here.
Please take the time to view these sessions and if necessary, schedule
a meeting with your staff to view as well. Click on each link below for
detailed overviews of 1.94.5 functionality.
Note: Some of the videos may take a few moments to load. Once the images appear, you may view the recording from the start by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the screen.
- Ability for user to have multiple sessions open at once. In some instances multiple session displays may not be effective. All possible multiple session
combinations have not been tested.
An example of a multiple display issue is in accounting bank reconciliation where printing has been
determined to display the last printed bank reconciliation summary in both sessions when view is
attempted in multiple sessions. The behavior of third party products or the browser itself may also cause
issues. It is recommended that the second browser be opened to use as a view only screen or to
specifically work on two different clients or in two different areas of Nexsure.(F3933) Link to topic
- A delivery tab has been added to the following areas: Client menu > POLICIES > Details > delivery tab and Client menu > MARKETING > Details > delivery tab. Any deliveries created at either the POLICIES or MARKETING delivery tabs will be available at the client level delivery tab. (F3833)
- Extend view rights on journal entries so staff members can view details
but not make modifications (previously could only view the summary unless staff member had modify rights as well). (F3869) Link to topic
- The ability to reconcile a bank account has been added. Bank reconciliation creates a process to provide functionality for the clearing of checks, deposits, adjustments and provide a mechanism for the recording of bank interest and service charges. (F982) Link to topic
- Bank Reconciliation - Add security to bank reconciliation process section. (F3432) Link to topic
- A reconciliation section for client application of open items including balance write-off against a general ledger number has been added. Client reconciliation provides a means for writing off balances, clearing open activity, and
transferring balances at the client level. (F3411) Link to topic
- Security settings can now be modified to add accounts receivable write-off limits. (F3424) Link to topic
- To confirm the accuracy of carrier statements, Nexsure now provides the ability to compare posted invoices in Nexsure with the carrier statement. (F3415) Link to topic
- People / Carrier Payables - In reconciliation, under transactions navigation, when you are
selecting items to pay, a running total of items selected has been added. Also added a total including
both agency and direct bill invoices. (F3416) Link to topic
- The ability to enter $0 receive payments and disbursements will be secured
through security and user rights templates. This will enable agencies to prevent $0 receive payment and
disbursement entry based on agency requirements. (F3413)
- The Federal Tax ID will default to the vendor Federal Tax ID when added at organizational book levels (organization or territory). However if a different ID is necessary at those levels, the default can now be overwritten at those levels. (F3220) Link to topic
- Disbursement, receive payment, and reconciliation screens have been updated to now include the Expand
icon to open up the working area. Support infrastructure was also changed to enhance multi-action processing. (F3473)
- The options on available on the new controls tab can be used to set write off limits for client reconciliation. (F3652) Link to topic
- The direct bill commission download section has been updated with a new process. (F3642) Link to topic
- Ability to export and import User Rights templates. (F962 & F2971) Link to topic
- The new claim detail screen contains basic information about the claim such as the adjustor name and phone number. (F3994) Link to topic
- Remove the word none from Certificate Special instructions. (F2504)
- The new carrier associations tab is available to associate carriers with specific territories. The associations will filter the branches listed in the carrier commissions tab which, in turn, filters the billing and issuing carriers listed for selection at the policy level. (F2990) Link to topic
- Global searching has been added to allow an organization-wide search for clients without having to exit the current screen. The client's contact information can be accessed from the results. If the staff member is assigned to the client records, a view of the card file tab can also be accessed. (F3539) Link to topic
- The ability to create a defined series of actions has been added. Throughout the policy lifecycle, many tasks are repetitious. (F2622) Link to topic
- When there are two users with the same name the appropriate user can be selected when reassigning an action. (F3347)
- A new warning has been added to alert the user when a date of loss is outside of the policy term. The warning will display after a policy selection has been made. (F427)
- The certificates tab is now an active link to allow navigation back to the certificate summary screen when working with certificates. (F1156)
- Previously, users had the ability to access related accounts whether or not they had security access to
the branch in which the related account was located. This created a security breach which has now been
corrected. (F3445)
- The Claim Stage option has been added to the claims home screen search filter. (F3535) Link to topic
- The Adjustor Name option has been added to the claims home screen search filter. (F3536) Link to topic
- Policy Number and Claim Number options have been added to the claims home screen search filter. (F3537) Link to topic
- A Save Filter Settings option has been added to the claims home screen search filter. (F3290) Link to topic
- During claims creation, when a line of business is selected on the servicing screen that line of business will be displayed on the claim policy selection screen. Should that line of business be part of a package policy Nexsure will display the selected line of business . (F3401)
- Aborting a Cancellation now changes the expiration date back to the previous date. (F985)
- The new Campaign Wizard can be used in conjunction with the updated Coverage Rounding report as a means of reaching out to the organization client base for the purpose of cross selling, processing mass mailings etc. (F3216)
- Client demographic data can be recorded by year to facilitate benchmarking. Data such as
employees, sales, payroll, etc. will change from year-to-year and can be documented on the demographic data tab. The demographic data tab can also
be used to track estimated versus actual values. The demographic data tab can be customized in SETUP > Lookup Management > Client > Demographic Data. (F3524) Link to topic
- The policy column has been expanded to display the LOB, Policy Number, Policy Description, and Policy Type without having to hover over the row. (F3686) Link to topic
- On the policy and marketing summary screens, the word Package is now displayed for all package policies. The individual LOBs are not shown on the screen when Package is displayed. (F3685) Link to topic
- Look up features have been added to the Certificates search filter screen for Action Topic and Action Type. (F3673) Link to topic
- Issuing and Billing carriers should both be easily visible on the
policy selection screens. The carrier names will no longer wrap on the screen, potentially pushing information out of view. Now the carrier names are truncated. Click on the carrier names and scroll to view the entire name. (F2634 & F3671) Link to topic
- Policy number not showing on Marketing and Policy summary
screens. (F200) Link to topic
- Home edit screen - do not wrap carrier name - truncate with scroll
expansion. (F3736)
- Home audit screen - do not wrap carrier name - truncate with
scroll expansion. (F3737)
- Home endorsement screen - do not wrap carrier name - truncate
with scroll expansion. (F3738)
- A new Trigger option has been added to the actions setup screen. The new Trigger options allows a trigger to be set to cause an action to be displayed upon placing the policy in force. (F2623) Link to topic
- A new Description box has been added to the actions screen. The Description box can be used to enter a brief description for the action that will be displayed on the action summary screens. The description will also be copied to the memo section of the action. (F3600) Link to topic
- In the search filter section of the home screens, client screens, marketing screens and Policy screens, a Description option has been added. (F3656 - F3661) Link to topic
- The new action Description has been added to action export information. (F3663)
- The servicing description is now automatically added to the to annotation description as well
as annotation memo. (F3654) Link to topic
- In the majority of marketing efforts, specifically in the commercial insurance arena, multiple marketing applications are submitted to numerous carriers for a single client. The new mass marketing process can be used as a simple means of generating multiple marketing records for multiple carriers. (F2627, 2304, 264) Link to topic
- A new annotation has been added for mass marketing. (F3541) Link to topic
- The LOB listing on the client card file tab now contains links to navigate to the policy summary screen where only policies
containing the selected LOB are displayed. (F3602)
- The claim Stage has now been added to the export from the HOME > claims tab. (F3814)
- A new delivery tab has been added to both the policy and marketing levels. (F2643)
- The policy number has been added to the attachment tabs where it does not already exist. (F3629)
- A new Policy Number option has been added to the search filter on the client delivery tab. (F3628)
- The delivery failure notice has been updated. If an initial fax could not be delivered, an email will be automatically sent to the sender's email address. The email contains information to help identify the fax that failed. (F2823) Link to topic
- A delete option has been added to the address book delivery history (applies only
to delivery history entity type). (F2448
F2844 F544)
Document Management
- New Document Template: XDTI Comml Property Sch 2 (uses new
140). (F4294)
- New Document Template: XDTI Commercial Proposal Ver 2 (uses
new 140). (F4295)
- New Document Template: XDTI Comml Prop-Veh-Eq Sch 2 Uses
new 140). (F4296)
- Ability to automatically promote coverage template changes from
test to training to production. (F3666) Link to topic
- .The export and import feature for document templates enables staff members to export templates from one organization and import them to another. This provides a means for deploying templates. (F2633) Link to topic
- Document templates now control the line breaks that occur in Client, Policy and Opportunity level information that contain remarks fields. When information flows into the document template, the line breaks are removed. (F2835)
- Add last updated date to attachment screen. (F3518)
- The ability to have multiple instances of office integration documents open at the same time has been added. (F2631) Link to topic
- The ability to enable and disable attachment folders has been added. (F3514) Link to topic
- The ability to copy attachment folder has been added. (F3515) Link to topic
- Add top level tabs to certificate attachments screen. (F3534)
- Improve performance on client attachment screen.
- Increase number of records per page to 10.
- Full merge field validation. (F3716)
- The option for importing database commissions via Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet is now available. (F3414) Link to topic
- The process for the direct bill carrier commission downloads has been reworked for efficiency. (F3642) Link to topic
- One Beacon - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3787)
- Michigan Insurance - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3786)
- Middlesex Mutual - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3785)
- General Casualty - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3784)
- Motorist Mutual - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3783)
- Encompass - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3782)
- Employers Mutual - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3781)
- Liberty Ram - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3780)
- United Fire and Casualty - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3779)
- Hartford - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3778)
- Auto Owners - Watercraft Download Certification. (F3777)
- West Bend Inland Marine Download Recertification. (F4237)
- West Bend Dwelling Fire Download Recertification. (F4236)
- West Bend Personal Umbrella Download Recertification. (F4235)
- West Bend Personal Auto Download Recertification. (F4234)
- West Bend Homeowner Download Recertification. (F4233)
- West Bend Workers Comp Download Recertification. (F4232)
- General Casualty Personal Umbrella Download Recertification. (F4231)
- EMC General Liability Download Recertification. (F4230)
- General Casualty Homeowner Download Recertification. (F4229)
- General Casualty Personal Auto Download Recertification. (F4228)
- General Casualty Inland Marine Download Recertification. (F4227)
- General Casualty Dwelling fire Recertification. (F4226)
- MSA Homeowners Download Certification. (F4225)
- MSA Personal Auto Download Certification. (F4224)
- Kemper Homeowners Download Certification. (F4084)
- Kemper Personal Auto Download Certification. (F4083)
- Safeco Watercraft Download Certification. (F4065)
- Westfield Insurance Co Personal Umbrella Download
Certification. (F4052)
- West Bend Commercial Umbrella Download Certification. (F4050)
- Vermont Mutual BOP Download Certification. (F4048)
- Vermont Mutual Dwelling Fire Download Certification. (F4047)
- Proformance Personal Auto Download Certification. (F4045)
- Penn National Personal Auto Download Certification. (F4043)
- Penn National Inland Marine Download Certification. (F4042)
- Penn National Homeowners Download Certification. (F4041)
- Erie Workers Comp Download Certification. (F4025)
- Erie Commercial Auto Download Certification. (F4024)
- Kemper Watercraft Download Certification. (F4085)
- Utica National Inland Marine Download Certification. (F4046)
- AAA of Michigan Homeowners Download Certification. (F4016)
- AAA of Michigan Personal Auto Download Certification. (F4015)
- ACORD 810 Business Income / Extra Expense 2007-07. (F4316)
- ACORD 811 Value Reporting Information 2007-07. (F4317)
- Subject of Insurance Schedule. (F4318)
- Commercial Property Overflow. (F4319)
- New ACORD 140. (F4097)
- Add PDF LOB application form preview icons to binder page form. (F4143)
- Binder data flow self‐documentation. (F4144)
- Text area with overflow; add visual marker to distinguish from
standard text area fields. (F4145)
- ACORD 80 Additional Interest Overflow (F3498)
- ACORD 80 Loss Incident History Overflow (F3497)
- ACORD 160 Liability Class Overflow. (F2904)
- ACORD 160 Loss Incident History Overflow (F3872)
- Support signatures on personal lines applications. (F3579)
- Support for advanced form data flow to allow any data to be mapped anywhere on the binder form or overflow forms. (F3404) Link to topic
- New overflow sections and functions have been added to the change request form. (F3573) Link to topic
- Data flow improvements have been made to the binders functions. When a binder is created, if more information is available than fits on the ACORD 125, the information is then added to an overflow section on the binder. (F3580) Link to topic
- Entry fields that have a limitation on the number of characters accepted for the field now no longer allow excess entry. Previously, the entry would truncate. Now the field simply will not accept more characters than possible. (F2635)
- Change requests - Add / change / delete do not show on overflow
pages or change request. (F1937)
- The EZLynx rating integration online tool is now available. (F3772 - F3773 & F4340 - F4341) Link to topic
- Hartford Commercial Expressway. (F3512)
- The Expirations Excel Export report has been added. This report can be used by both office management and other staff members: (F2834) Link to topic
- Management: Used for workload assessment and by
individual staff members for forecasting upcoming renewal responsibilities and managing account teams.
- All Staff Members: Used to manage upcoming policy expirations and team workload and assignments. Can also be used with the capabilities of Microsoft® Excel® to further manipulate the data to reach the desired view of the data.
- Include ability to print the remittance advice from the check
printing dialogs has been added to Nexsure. (F3719)
- The Reconciliation Clearing Account Reconciliation report has been added. The Reconciliation Clearing Account Reconciliation report is used to show cash receipts and disbursements in reconciliation clearing that do not
have a matching reconciliation. Conversely, the report also shows reconciliations in reconciliation clearing that do
not have a matching cash receipt or disbursement. (F1089) Link to topic
- The new Client Reconciliation Summary Report displays debits and credits that result from the
clean up and write off of client account balances. (F3691) Link to topic
- A new bank reconciliation summary report is now available after adding a bank reconciliation. This report includes the detail of the cleared items included in the reconciliation selection. (F3690) Link to topic
- Balance Sheet (F3717)
- The Undeposited Funds Reconciliation report has been added. The Undeposited Funds Reconciliation report is used to supply a report that will show cash receipts that
are currently not related to a posted deposit at any point in time. This report displays
transactions which are listed in the detail of the General Ledger Undeposited Funds account.(F1088) Link to topic
- Incorporate new claims stage field to claims reports. (F3720)
- Change query to get the items that have checkboxes for 1099. (F2088)
- Delete security has been added to the Recycle Bin attachments folders. (F3516) Link to topic
- Security has been added for the new carrier entity associations. (F3538) Link to topic
- New security has been added for the signature authorizations function. (F3402) Link to topic
- New security has been added for the global search function. (F3585) Link to topic
- Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to viewing and exporting information from the HOME > EXPIRATIONS screen. (F2983) Link to topic
- Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members the rights to process new and / or process renew certificates. (F2986) Link to topic